Scaphiodonichthys acanthopterus (Fowler,1934)


Scaphiodonichthys acanthopterus (Fowler,1934) 刺鰭鏟齒魚

Scaphiodonichthys :

acanthopterus :


n. 捕鳥者

1934 :


scales of Thelodontia 盾鱗目魚鱗
scales of Thelodus 花鱗魚鱗
Scapanorhynchidae(=Mitsukurinidae);英:goblin sharks 劍吻鯊科
Scapanorhynchinae;英:goblin sharks 劍吻鯊亞科
Scapanorhynchus owstoni (Jordan,1898)(=Mitsukurina owstoni);英:goblin shark 劍吻鯊
Scapanorhynchus Woodward,1889(=Mitsukurinidae);英:goblin sharks 劍吻鯊屬
Scaphiodonichthys acanthopterus (Fowler,1934) 刺鰭鏟齒魚
Scaphiodonichthys Vinciguerra,1890 鏟齒魚屬
Scaphirhynchus albus (Forbes & Richardson,1905);英:pallid sturgeon 密蘇里鏟鱘
Scaphirhynchus Heckel,1836 鏟鱘屬
Scaphirhynchus platorhynchus (Rafinesque,1820);英:shovel nose sturgeon 鏟鱘;密西西比鏟鱘

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