Thecopterus aleuticus Smith,1904


Thecopterus aleuticus Smith,1904 套鰭杜父魚

Thecopterus :

aleuticus :


n. 鐵匠, 金屬品工匠

1904 :


Thayeria Eigenmann,1908 企鵝魚屬
Thayeria obligua Eigenmann,1908 企鵝魚
Thayeria sanctaemariae Ladiges,1951 聖企鵝魚;聖母魚
theca interna of primary follicle 初卵泡內膜
theca of egg follicle 卵泡鞘
thecodont tooth 槽牙
Thecopterus aleuticus Smith,1904 套鰭杜父魚
Thecopterus Smith,1904 套鰭杜父魚屬
Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas,1814);英:Alaska Pollock,Pollock,wall eye Pollock 狹鱈;明太魚
Theragra finnmarchica Koefoed,1956 挪威狹鱈
Theragra Lucas,1898 狹鱈屬

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