heat of condensation


heat of condensation 冷凝熱;凝結熱


n. 熱、暖氣設備 vt. 變熱 vi. 變熱


prep. 由…製成、…的、出自、含有…的、具有…特點的、因為、…之中的、與…有關的


n. 濃縮, 壓縮, 冷凝, 縮寫本


heat of adhesion 附著熱
heat of adsorption 吸附熱
heat of coagulation 凝聚熱
heat of combination 化合熱
heat of combustion 燃燒熱
heat of compression 壓縮熱
heat of condensation 冷凝熱;凝結熱
heat of conversion 轉化熱
heat of crystallization 結晶熱
heat of decomposition 分解熱
heat of dilution 稀釋熱

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