Coefficient of plasticity


Coefficient of plasticity 塑性係數


n. 系數


prep. 由…製成、…的、出自、含有…的、具有…特點的、因為、…之中的、與…有關的


n. 可塑性, 柔軟性


Coefficient, peripheral 周緣係數
Coefficient, regression 反應係數
Coefficient, transpiration 發散係數
Coefficient, uniformity 均勻係數
Coefficient, weir 堰係數
Coefficient, wilting 凋萎係數
Coefficient of plasticity 塑性係數
Coefficient of rigidity 剛性係數
Coefficient of roughness 粗糙係數
Coefficient of run-off 逕流係數
Coefficient of silt transfer 輸泥係數

16 筆 / 共 35