Pressure, intensily of
Pressure, intensily of 壓力強度
n. 壓, 榨, 按, 壓力, 強制 vt. 對…施加壓力, 迫使
intensily :
prep. 由…製成、…的、出自、含有…的、具有…特點的、因為、…之中的、與…有關的
Pressure, ground water 地下水壓力
Pressure, hydraulic 水壓力
Pressure, hydraulic uplift 靜水上壓力
Pressure, hydro-static 靜水壓力
Pressure, ice 冰壓力
Pressure, inertia 慣性壓力
Pressure at rest, earth 靜止土壓力
pressure gage 壓力計
pressure wave 壓力波
Pressure, intensily of 壓力強度
Pressure, internal 內壓力
第 26 筆 / 共 59 筆