Channel, alignment of - 水道定線Channel, approaching - 引水道Channel, artificial - 人工水道Channel, by-pass - 繞過水道Channel, by-wash - 溢流水道Channel, converging - 收束水道Channel, conveyance - 輸水道Channel, cubature of - 潮積法Channel, drainage - 排水道Channel, erodible - 易蝕水道Channel, flood - 洪水河槽Channel, horizontal - 平底水道Channel, natural - 天然水道Channel, natural drainage - 天然排水道Channel, open - 明渠Channel, prismatic - 定形槽Channel, proper - 正槽Channel, rectification of - 水道改善Channel, river - 河槽Channel, rotating - 旋轉水道Channel, side - 側槽Channel, tail - 尾水道Channel, waste - 退水道
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