Method, color - 顏色測速法Method, accumulative sedimentation - 沉澱分析法Method, area - 面積法Method, basic-stage - 基本水位法Method, centrifugal decantation - 離心撇除法Method, centrifuge - 離心法Method, chemical - 化學法Method, churn - 鑽鑿法Method, constant fall - 定降法Method, contour-length - 等高線延長法Method, correcting sounding - 改正測深法Method, critical depth - 臨界深度法Method, cut and try - 試算法Method, cylinder - 圓筒法Method, decantation - 撇除法Method, drawdown - 水位降落法Method, float - 浮標法Method, freezing - 冰凍法Method, gravity - 自流法Method, hydrometer - 比重計法Method, hypsometric curve - 等高線面積法Method, infiltration-capacity - 下滲容量法Method, integration - 積分法Method, intersection - 交點法Method, isohyetal - 等雨量線法Method, isolation - 隔離法Method, logarithmic spiral - 對數螺旋線法Method, manometer - 測壓計法Method, microscopic - 顯微鏡法Method, one point - 一點法Method, optical - 光學法Method, photo-elastic - 彈性透視法Method, pipette - 滴管法Method, plummel - 錘測法Method, rational - 合理法Method, recovery - 水位回昇法Method, reflection - 反射法Method, refraction - 屈折法Method, relaxation - 弛鬆法Method, resistivity - 電阻探測法Method, salt-dilution - 鹽液法Method, salt-velocity - 鹽速法Method, sampling - 取樣調查法Method, seismic - 震波探測法Method, semi-graphical - 半圖解法Method, six-tenth - 十分之六水深法Method, slope-area - 比降面積法Method, station-year - 站年法Method, step - 逐步法Method, three-point - 三點法Method, trial - 試算法Method, trial and error - 嘗試法Method, two-point - 兩點法Method, unit-graph - 單位過程線法Method, unit-hydrograph - 單位過程線法Method, velocity-area - 流速面積法Method, volumetric - 容積測流法Method, ∮-circle - ∮圓法
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